I just turned 50 in November 2017.
My Jubilee year, so as for Israel. By accident? I don't think so. I have been wrestling with God for the longest time….which is not my norm.
In my over 20 years’ walk with God by then, generally I obeyed swiftly, not because I am so spiritual or holy, but because it’s the way I have lived since I was saved.
I stumbled to start my business officially in 2008, I have served corporate executives, small business owners, and entrepreneurs across three continents, in different cultures and of various faith backgrounds. And I have been well rewarded and genuinely happy about my achievement.
It happened on Nov 9, 2012, at 5am in our Vegas home's kitchen on my birthday.
I take communion with God on my birthdays and I was about to begin my ritual.
As I opened the Bible, I sensed a heavy presence behind me, I thought my husband had come downstairs to wish me happy birthday.
The presence was so “real”, I had to turn around and ready to greet my husband.
He wasn’t there, but the presence still was!
I knew right then— I am in ‘trouble'!
I heard Abba say: Happy Birthday, Kelly!
I replied in my heart: Thank you, Abba:)
I wasn’t prepared for what happened next.
God asked: What do you want for your birthday, Kelly?
There were so many thoughts burning in my heart and mind…
Three days earlier, as a family- my husband and our 2 young kids wrote a letter to God, asking HIM for a breakthrough we needed in life: things such as salvation of certain family members and close friends, healing for some, improvement in our financial situation, a clear path for career advancement – even for a new washing machine!
So when the question came, part of my being wanted to scream out: “Well, how about that letter?”
But, somehow I held back….
I thought: IF, just IF, this is the only chance I can ask what I want from Abba, I’d better think twice, maybe even three times…
This is what came out from my mouth:
Father, if YOU could give King Solomon wisdom, then I’d like to have it, too! And not only for me, also for my husband and kids as well.
Whew! I felt relieved and extremely nervous at the same time as I finished the sentence.
Then I saw and sensed the biggest grin ever on HIS face!
“Well done, Kelly! It’s granted! AND those items on the letter as well:)”
(In less than three weeks, each single item on that piece of paper we wrote came to pass!)
“Abba, thank you! There’s no word to express my gratitude. Is there anything I can do for YOU?”(I know it sounds silly, who am I can do anything for the almighty God?! But it just flew out naturally from me.)

Katrina Douglas | The Launch Strategist
"You cannot fix what you cannot see! The program literally changed EVERYTHING for me!
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Craig Pickerill|Kingdom Vision Architect
"The Best Investment ever for my business! Finally I stopped being stuck.
I was able to set up my new coaching program & started enrolling new clients through the process!"

Michelle Mays|Chief Concierge of Luxury Wedding Planning
"When God asked me to do something new in my industry, it was scary! I am so thankful to have Kelly, a Spirit-led coach to guide me and the process of the program indeed has positioned me as the Market of One in my field!