Importance of Entrepreneurship for Kids with Dan & Joanne Miller
Jul 26, 2016
July 26, 2016 by Kelly
Are you trying to get your kids interested in finances and entrepreneurship?
It can seem like a tricky task, especially if you're afraid that it may go over your kids heads!
When my kids were growing up, my husband and I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to keep their attention and garner their interest in such heavy topics. Our dinner table was filled with discussion topics like: “how to make money as a kid”, “ways for kids to make money”, and “entrepreneur games” when our kids were younger. As they became teenagers, we changed the discussion to “youth entrepreneurship” and what are the best entrepreneur books, or even “steps to financial freedom”.
In this episode, I invited two of my entrepreneurial mentors – Dan Miller, author of the best-selling book 48 Days to the Work You Love, No More Dreaded Mondays, and Wisdom Meets Passion; and his lovely wife Joanne Miller to share their wisdom with us. Both of them are successful entrepreneurs and have raised a family of entrepreneurs, including their grandchildren as young as the age of 9!
So as you can imagine, this episode is full of tips and insights on how to show your children the opportunities of entrepreneurship or even just how to save their own money.
Learn How to Educate Your Kids on Entrepreneurship & Finance...
- Thoughts and advice from Dan & Joanne as they explain how they nurture and maintain their lovely relationships with one another in the last 48 years
- How they "lost everything" which prompted them to start the successful business that they have now
- They outline how they instil the importance of entrepreneurship to their kids and develop the work ethic in their children & grandchildren
- Is there a way to balance all the different "shoes" they are wearing? - Why, YES there is!
- Top 3 priorities in their lives
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Links mentioned in this episode:
>> New Media Europe Website where I personally met Dan and Joanne Miller
>> Free Power of One Framework™ Masterclass to help build your fulltime business in 10 weeks!